Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Middle Ages

Major Representative Philosophers: St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas

Classification: Christian philosophy

Meaning: Reconciling philosophy with the teachings of the Church

Saint Augustine

St. Augustine: believed that there is an insurmountable barrier between God and the world. No one deserves God’s redemption, but God has chosen some to be saved. Our eternal destinies are already decided by God, even though we have free will. Believed that human history is a struggle between the Kingdom of God (the Church) and the Kingdom of the World (the state). The struggle has played out in history since the beginning of time. Shared many views with Plato, and could be classified as a Neoplatonist.

St. Thomas Aquinas: theologian and philosopher who tried to unite Aristotle’s philosophy and Christianity. There did not need to be any conflict between reason/philosophy and Christianity/faith. There are some truths that can be reached through faith and through reason, such as the existence of God. God has revealed Himself to mankind in two ways: the Bible and reason. Likewise, the Bible and our consciences can teach us how God wants us to live. Finally, Aquinas believed in a progressive degree of existence all the way from plants to God.

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