Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Modern Times

Major Representative Philosophers: Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir

Classification: existentialism

Meaning: singularly concerned with humanity

Nietzsche: wanted to re-evaluate all values. He wanted to return to the real world because he felt that Christianity and traditional philosophy had turned away from the real world. He rejected “supernatural expectations”.

Sartre: said that “existentialism is humanism.” He analyzed the human situation without God. He was interested in the existence of man, which he felt should take priority over anything that man might otherwise be. He felt that man created his own nature. We must decide for ourselves how to live. We haven’t asked to be created as free individuals but we are; therefore, we are forced to make choices. We are totally responsible for everything we do. He also said that life must have meaning but it is we who create this meaning. “Our own lives influence the way we perceive things.”

Beauvoir: denied the existence of a basic female nature or a basic male nature. She felt that women and men must reject prejudices, and that women are as independent as they choose to be.

Jean-Paul Sartre

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